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The Benefits of Neurolens for Visual Misalignment and Digital Eye Strain

If you spend hours each day staring at digital screens for work or leisure, you may experience headaches, eyestrain, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating. These frustrating symptoms often result from an overlooked condition called binocular vision disorder (BVD). Fortunately, a breakthrough vision treatment called Neurolens, offered at Dr. Cheryl Letheren & Associates in London provides lasting relief by recalibrating and realigning eyes to stop unnecessary strain.

What Causes Binocular Vision Problems?

Your eyes need to work in perfect tandem to focus correctly without fatiguing. But many people have a subtle misalignment between their eyes that disrupts this vital synchronization. Trying to blend the two slightly differing images strains your eyes and brain over the years, eventually causing headaches, blurry vision, loss of focus, dizziness, and more. Most standard eye exams miss these alignment issues that Neurolens can detect and correct.

How The Neurolens Process Works

Neurolens uses a revolutionary, non-invasive, brain-based process to recalibrate your visual system and promote proper eye teaming. First, light-emitting lenses placed briefly over each eye send signals to your brain to make micro-adjustments and realign its visual processing. Then, you undergo tailored eye “workouts” designed to reinforce these neural adaptations and strengthen your eye muscles over time. Just one 60-minute office treatment session with Neurolens can lead to remarkable, lasting improvement in vision, clarity, and comfort.

Benefits of Neurolens Treatment

Freeing your eyes to work cohesively again delivers wide-ranging benefits, including:

  • Reduced headaches and eyestrain
  • Clearer vision and focus
  • Heightened concentration
  • Less dizziness/motion sickness
  • Confidence in visual performance
  • Slowed childhood nearsightedness

Neurolens also provides an alternative to reading glasses by improving near vision and reducing presbyopia symptoms. Parents can help halt progressive myopia in their children as well.

5 Signs Neurolens Could Help You

If the following issues sound familiar, Neurolens may be able to resolve the root dysfunction causing your discomfort:

  • Frequent headaches behind the eyes/temples
  • Fatigue after sustained reading/screen time
  • Unexpected blurry or moving words
  • Difficulty concentrating on visual tasks
  • Car sickness when not the driver

How Neurolens Compares to Other Options

Glasses and contacts only compensate for focusing issues, while Neurolens gets to the root cause of visual misalignment and strain. Vision therapy can be effective for binocular disorders but requires months of weekly full-hour sessions, while Neurolens provides lasting results in one office treatment. Surgery should be an absolute last resort due to its invasive risks.

Who Needs Neurolens Treatment?

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, Neurolens could help resolve the underlying cause of your visual issues:

  • Do you get frequent headaches behind the eyes/temples?
  • Do your eyes feel exhausted after using screens/reading?
  • Do words ever appear to jump around or double?
  • Do you lose concentration quickly when reading?
  • Do you feel motion sickness/dizziness often?

Take Control of Your Eye Health

Don’t just paper over vision dysfunction with temporary fixes like glasses. Get assessed to determine if Neurolens treatment could realign your eyes for long-term visual sharpness, performance, and comfort. Regain clarity and ease years of strain through these innovative retinal signaling and neuroscience-based solutions tailored to your needs. Contact Dr. Cheryl Letheren & Associates to learn more about Neurolens, or take their free binocular vision disorder assessment today. True visual freedom is now in sight!


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